Saturday, September 4, 2010

hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to school I go (tomorrow)

This is it: I start my second year at college on Tuesday (I'm moving up tomorrow) and I'm really excited. A little stressed (packing--though I'm almost done, and I'm going to have to buy a few things in F'ton or get them from the free-for-all at the residence) and nervous, but excited.

Mom and I went island-hopping on Monday. We visited Deer Island and Campobello (we didn't go anywhere near the Roosevelt park) and went home via Eastport, with a stop at Raye's Mustard Mill.

I hadn't been to that city since my last Eastport Preparatory Strings (which has now merged with the more advanced Eastport Strings) rehearsal in April '04 and I'd forgotten just how beautiful it is. Mom and I walked a couple of blocks on Water St. and I took some photos.

For the last couple weeks we (and the rest of North America have been dealing with the heat wave (including during the island hop--the coolest place was Eastport). It's finally over and Hurricane Earl arrived in the form of rain--and lots of it--today.

I voted in the advance poll in St. Andrews this week (I voted for one of the third parties, and that's all I'll say).

I got my hair cut on Thursday. Meaning, I got about eight inches chopped off and I have to admit that I'm thinking about going even shorter next time (I love Emma Watson's post-Hermione Twiggy-esque cut--I wonder if it would look good with my texture). I decided that with the new school year coming up and my first year in the photography program I wanted something really different. It'll be easier to deal with when I'm in the darkroom (I won't have to worry about my hair getting in the way).

Eastport Life
This is one of the things I love about photography: capturing moments of life. And by the way, I love that guy's dreads--they're the longest I've ever seen.

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