Monday, February 4, 2013


This week was one of those weeks that disappeared before I knew what to do with it.

Monday: Bob was sick, so class was cancelled. I didn't find out until I got to school and found a note on the classroom door. I spent the afternoon in the Photo Dept.'s computer lab doing homework that I'd planned to do on Tuesday.

Tuesday: I finally paid the fees at the school where I'm staying. I spent the day doing homework and then went to a GA that evening. The GA ended up morphing into an info session about the school's current situation (for example, when the loan on the Port Campus is paid off, NSCAD won't own the campus--if I remember correctly, the Halifax Port Authority will own it--and also NSCAD was pushed by the NS government to build the campus), and the executive members gave us an update on the previous week's action (after the action, SUNSCAD's president, Sarah Trower, spoke with the BoG folks who stayed about passing the manifesto--a lot left when the students started reading said manifesto). Before the GA, I asked one of the Photo Dept. techs about some of the things that I'd read in an email from the school that day that I wasn't clear about.

Wednesday: Once again, I spent the day doing homework.

We each met with Jeff and discussed our ideas and how they were coming along. We also split into groups and critiqued each others' work.

Thursday: Crit Day. Finally. We spent the class critiquing each others' work (mine went well). Because The Reconfigured Image is an intermediate course (which I didn't realize until I read the course description on the first day of class) and I use Photoshop at an advanced level, I've decided to use the course to push myself and challenge myself to use the program in ways that I haven't explored before, and I will continue to do this for the rest of the semester.

Friday: We discussed the readings, six of the students (one of whom was supposed to present last week but didn't) presented--same old, same old.

I somehow ended up at the Port Campus earlier than usual. I used the time to check out the Seeds Gallery--NSCAD's commercial gallery.

Anna did a workshop on grammar. Although most of it wasn't new, I did learn a couple of things (it's vs. its). Afterward, I had a few questions for her, and it morphed into a long conversation about my background--she knew that I was a transfer student and that I'd already taken a foundation-level writing course at NBCCD, but that was about it.

Saturday: I spent the better part of the day doing homework while listening to Le Comte Ory.

Sunday: Once I got going, I headed over to Staples and got paper for my Graphics project. I spent the rest of the afternoon in the Photo Dept. computer lab doing homework for Graphics (and wrestled a bit with Illustrator, which I ended up using to add text to the cover and title page because InDesign refused to accept the Photoshop file that I'd saved--I'm using Illustrator to add text because it and InDesign are vector programs whereas Photoshop is pixel-based), and I'm thisclose to being done. I then went home--and did more homework. I'm very happy with how much I got done yesterday and today.

Check this guy out. He's Trond's nephew, and he's about as awesome. Oh, and he's only two years older than me. His playing just about makes me cry, it's so beautiful.

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